Peru should promote its non-traditional production in Europe

Fuente/Source: - Peru should promote its non-traditional production in Europe

Peru should promote its non-traditional production in Europe
Lima, Mar. 02 (ANDINA). Peru should further promote its non-traditional products in the European market in order to take better advantage of the free trade agreement that went into effect yesterday, EU's delegation chief in Peru Hans Allden said Saturday.

Hans Allden. Photo:ANDINA/Carlos Lezama.
Hans Allden. Photo:ANDINA/Carlos Lezama.

He said that Peru's traditional exports such as minerals are already known in Europe and need no further promotion, because the marketing channels are already open.

"Let's generate interest in the European consumers so that they get to know the Peruvian production and learn more about Peru. The country brand is the image of Peru for new products, such as manufactured goods," he told TV Peru.

Other non-traditional products that have a chance to grow in the European market are textiles and agribusiness products like asparagus, Allden added.

He explained that the European consumers are highly demanding and when they go to a supermarket and see that the grapes and mangoes grown in Peru are organic, they will be interested in learning more about Peru.